Gender Equality Policies


Our company is committed to supporting the values of diversity, inclusion and gender equality. For this reason, we have adopted a management system in compliance with the ISO 30415 guidelines and the UNI/PdR 125 Reference Practice.

Radical interventions are required to overcome gender stereotypes, both in the workplace and in family contexts and to dismantle sources of inequality..

To achieve a true paradigm shift, we are embracing the principles of gender equality - in line with the UNI/PDR 125:2022 guidelines - not only to increase the presence of women in the workplace but also to ensure equal career opportunities up to top-level roles, equal pay, adequate work-life balance conditions tailored to different life stages, proactive measures to balance family responsibilities between men and women and a work environment that rejects stereotypes, discrimination and any form of physical, verbal or digital abuse while promoting a culture of diversity and inclusion.


Nugnes 1920 Srl applies the Gender Equality Management System to the following activities:

Retail sale of clothing items including accessories, fabrics, footwear and perfumery products through both physical and e-commerce channels on a national and international scale.



Nugnes 1920 Srl  is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse environment.

Our goal is to ensure that all qualified individuals, regardless of gender, have equal opportunities and that our organization best represents our customers and society.

Through inclusion we create a workplace where each individual is respected, valued and can fully express themselves within the organization. An environment where different perspectives, viewpoints and uniqueness are embraced.

As established in the purpose of the management system under the ISO 30415 guidelines and UNI/PdR 125:2022 Reference Practice our organization aims to ensure diversity, inclusion and gender equality in terms of women's presence and professional growth within the company. In this regard, we seek to enhance the diversity in our organizational roles and maintain processes that develop female empowerment in business activities.

Our Commitments:

  • Respect for constitutional principles of equality and fairness;
  • Creating an environment that celebrates the uniqueness of each individual, recognizes and values the contributions of every team member;
  • Ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity and respect with zero tolerance for any form of intimidation, bullying, harassment. Including sexual harassment or mistreatment of employees in the workplace or work-related situations. Disciplinary actions will be taken against those who violate these practices;
  • Encouraging anyone who feels subject to such intimidation, discrimination, harassment, or mistreatment to report their concerns while being protected from any potential retaliation;
  • Regularly reviewing all hiring and development practices to ensure fairness at all times;


Consequently, all decisions related to selection hiring, promotions, pay policies, employee development decisions (such as training) and working conditions are made without regard to age, ethnicity, color, gender, geographical origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.

We oppose all forms of discrimination.

All employees, whether part-time, full-time, or temporary are treated fairly and with respect. When selecting candidates for hiring Nugnes 1920 Srl bases its decisions on individuals’ attitude and abilities. Employees are given assistance and encouragement to reach their full potential and contribute with their unique talents.

Our ultimate goal is to create a workplace where women and men, girls and boys in all their diversity are free to pursue their professional and life choices. They have equal opportunities for growth and can equally participate in and lead our company.

The main objectives include ending gender-based violence, combating sexist stereotypes, bridging the gender gap in the labor market, achieving parity in participation across various economic sectors, addressing pay and pension gaps, and ensuring gender balance in decision-making processes. This strategy follows a dual approach that integrates gender mainstreaming with targeted actions based on the cross-cutting principle of intersectionality. While centered on actions within  Nugnes 1920 Srl, the strategy aligns with the EU’s foreign policy on gender equality and female empowerment.

Our organization aims to ensure gender equality through concrete actions that, in addition to meeting the requirements/indicators established in the specific areas outlined in UNI PdR 125:2022, are genuinely valued by the women within the organization; the true stakeholders in the outcomes of our management system. We strive to maintain focus on this satisfaction at all times and in every circumstance of a woman’s working life within the company by addressing the following aspects:

  1. Recruitment and hiring
  2. Career management
  3. Pay equity
  4. Parenting and caregiving
  5. Work-life balance
  6. Prevention of abuse and harassment

For each of these aspects we have established specific policies and procedures which are summarized below. These policies undergo periodic analysis and review to update related procedures as needed.

For every policy and procedure expressing the principles guiding, our organization Nugnes 1920 Srl has associated verified and verifiable processes, as well as specific, achievable and measurable gender equality goals outlined in the strategic plan developed by the Steering Committee with the support of department heads from the six areas listed above.

This policy will be regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure that equality and diversity continue to be promoted in the workplace. We acknowledge that gender equality is an ongoing journey and each of us will play a role in shaping and leading the way forward.

To achieve and maintain the above-mentioned goals our organization focuses its efforts on the following areas outlined in UNI 125:2022:

  1. Culture and strategy
  2. Governance
  3. HR Processes
  4. Opportunities
  5. Pay  equity
  6. Parenting.

This policy is:

  • Communicated and shared within Nugnes 1920 Srl and with relevant stakeholders via publication on our website.
  • Subject to training and awareness programs for company management;
  • Periodically reviewed or confirmed based on events, changes, and monitoring outcomes;
  • Managed by a designated responsible figure appointed by the management, possessing organizational and gender expertise.

For any reports related to gender equality, please contact us at